James McCanney

James McCanney


Professor James McCanney has taught the following mathematics courses at the University level in addition to Physics, Computer Science and Astronomy; Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Statistics for Computing, Mathematical Logic, Theory of Numbers, Calculus I, II and III, Engineering Math I and II, Advanced Topics in Geometry and Topology.

He has worked about half of his lengthy career in private industry. Much of this was accomplished in multi-lingual settings, having worked in the USA, Latin America and with high-level Russian scientists. He has presented his research at international conferences and is a regular presenter at American Geophysical Union meetings. He has also lectured at Los Alamos National Laboratories, the Air-Space/America International Air show and International Electric Propulsion conferences. Understanding his background is important in placing his new book into perspective.




Past Shows:

  • Energy & Space Concepts / Alien Implants & Visitations

    Prof. James McCanney shared updates on energy and water independence, and Planet X. Followed by chemist Steve Colbern on his research into alien implants and the Greys.More »
  • Freedom of Thought / Energy Grid & Planet X

    Author Michael Rectenwald argued that the movement of postmodernism is successfully dismantling scientific truth at universities. Followed by Professor James McCanney on gaining energy independence, and Planet X.More »
  • Planet X & Technology Innovation / Para-Anthropology & Ghosts

    Prof. James McCanney discussed Planet X and his technological innovations. Followed by Dr. Jack Hunter on the anthropology of the paranormal, and updates from Joshua P. Warren on his encounters with a spirit.More »
  • Afterlife / Amelia Earhart / Comets

    In the first half, journalist and filmmaker Rich Martini shared revelations about the afterlife, as well as his extensive research uncovering the fate of Amelia Earhart. Appearing during the third hour, Prof. James McCanney presented updates on comets and extreme weather.More »
  • The Cholesterol Myth

    Jonny Bowden, PhD an expert on weight loss, nutrition and health, discussed how traditional heart disease protocols-- with their emphasis on lowering cholesterol, obscure the real causes of heart disease. Cardiologist and author Dr. Stephen Sinatra joined the conversation. ...More »
  • Science & Paranormal Phenomena

    Professor of Mathematics at California State University Long Beach, Dr. James D. Stein, shared his scientific perspective on various phenomena that have been labeled as paranormal or supernatural. First half-hour guest, maverick physicist James McCanney spoke about the...More »
  • Military Remote Viewing

    Professional intelligence officer with 50 years of service with the U.S. Army, Bill Ray, talked about how he was trained to be a remote viewer at the Stanford Research Institute in the 1980s, and eventually became Commander of the unit. First hour guest, maverick physicist...More »
  • YU55, ETs, & Roswell

    Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed anomalies found on asteroid YU55, as well as recent sightings of strange aerial objects in Canada. She also shared witness testimonies regarding non-human entities seen in a hanger at Walker Field in 1947, and the close...More »
  • Gravity, UFOs, & Mars

    Continuing Einstein's quest for a Unified Field Theory, plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg presented his theory which connects gravity and electromagnetism. First hour guest, physicist James McCanney talked about Comet Elenin, and other space-related topics.More »
  • Planet X, Solar Flares, & Energy

    In the first half of the show, physicist and author Stan Deyo shared updates on Planet X, the current pole shift, and extreme weather, as well as discussed 'End Times' and the Antichrist. The jet and gulf streams are broken and we're looking at a mini-Ice Age, such as what...More »
  • Paranormal Beliefs

    Sociology professors at Baylor University, Christopher D. Bader and Carson Mencken discussed details of their survey about paranormal beliefs among various groups and ethnicities in the United States. First hour guest, physicist James McCanney commented on new comet photos...More »
  • Colonizing Space

    Professor James McCanney argued for the urgent need for humans to colonize outer space, as he believes the survival of the species depends on it. Author Howard Bloom joined in the conversation for the latter half of the show. A founding member of the Space Development Steering...More »
  • Ancient Egypt & the Pyramids

    Professor at the University of Calgary, Carmen Boulter presented accumulated evidence and research, which suggests to her that levitation and advanced knowledge were used to construct the numerous pyramids in ancient Egypt. Appearing in the last hour, physicist James...More »
  • Crop Circles & UFOs

    Internationally known UFO and crop circle experts Ed & Kris Sherwood talked about interactive UFO experiences, as well as their research into crop formations and their meanings. First hour guest, physicist James McCanney talked about how sunspot activity has returned to the...More »
  • 11:11 and Synchronicities

    Appearing during the middle two hours, authors Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman discussed the phenomenon of frequently seeing 11:11 on clocks, and the synchronicities of numbers. First hour guest, physicist James McCanney talked about the arrival of comet Lulin.More »
  • How Would You Change the Past?

    During Open Lines, George offered a hotline for callers who wanted to share something they would change if they could travel back in time. In the first hour, George spoke with reverse speech specialist Wayne Nicholson.More »
  • The 4th Reich in America

    Journalist and author Jim Marrs discussed his new book The Rise of the Fourth Reich, which posits that Nazi ideology threatens to overtake America. This authoritarian ideology-- that the end justifies the means, is practiced by various secret societies sometimes called the...More »
  • Earth & Solar Changes

    Author & researcher Mitch Battros discussed his work on the history and current state of earth changes, including the Sun/Earth connection and the implications of Solar Cycle 24. We'll see an escalation of earth changes and extreme weather as we move into this solar cycle, and...More »
  • Dire Web Bot Predictions

    George Ure and his colleague 'Clif' shared their web bot predictions about America and global events. Their method captures changes in language patterns within Internet discussions. This aggregated data is then processed with software to determine various keywords, which they...More »
  • Solomon, Knights Templar & White Gold

    Historian Laurence Gardner traced the connections between King Solomon & his Temple, the Knights Templar, the Ark of the Covenant, Free Masonry, and White Powder Gold. Solomon, who lived around 1,000 BC, built the first temple of Jerusalem, set an example for 'kingship,' and was...More »
  • Ghost Investigations

    Loyd Auerbach, an expert on ghosts and psychic experience, discussed the field of parapsychology, what it actually covers and how he became involved with it.More »
  • Analyzing UFO Cases

    Ufologist and physicist Stanton Friedman returned with an update on UFOs. His new book Captured (co-authored with Kathleen Marden), is about the Betty & Barney Hill abduction.More »
  • Time, Numbers & Asteroids

    Former University mathematics professor James McCanney announced the release of his new book/DVD, Calculate Primes, in which he reveals a new mathematical formula.More »
  • UFOs & Doppelgängers

    Ufologist Stanton Friedman, who joined George for the first two hours of the program, provided an update on the UFO seen over Chicago's O'Hare International Airport last November.More »
  • Bird Deaths, Strange Smells & End Times

    Author Steve Quayle addressed various topics including the recent spate of bird deaths in the US and Australia and the strange smell in New York.More »
  • UFOs over Washington

    Editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley discussed photographic evidence and witness testimony of UFO activity in Washington DC.More »
  • Experiments of Stanley Milgram

    Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland, Dr. Thomas Blass discussed the work of social psychologist Dr. Stanley Milgram, who pioneered controversial human obedience experiments.More »
  • Comets & Catastrophes

    Professor James McCanney returned to share his theories about comets, Planet X objects, and earth changes and catastrophes.More »
  • Stardust & Planet X

    Maverick physicist James McCanney returned to discuss the Stardust mission as well as the many Planet X-type objects in the solar system. We don't have enough astronomical data or equipment to detect or pinpoint the orbits of such Planet X bodies, he declared, but the larger...More »
  • Earth Changes Roundtable

    Geologist Jim Berkland, preparedness expert Stan Deyo, and physicist James McCanney joined together for a roundtable discussion on current and upcoming earth changes. The panelists concurred that there is a correlation between solar activity and earthquakes, weather and other...More »
  • Cryptozoological Reports

    Researcher, author and artist, Rob Morphy, shared some of the cryptozoological sightings and data, which are gathered together on the American Monsters site. He reacted to a recent report from China, about an unknown carcass that washed ashore. He believes it fits the...More »
  • Hypnosis & the Mind

    Hypnosis expert Wendi Friesen discussed various methods for programming the subconscious mind, as well as the power of the mind to affect thoughts. For instance, in one hypnosis experiment, a subject had an ice cube placed on their skin and was told they were being burned....More »
  • Deep Impact Special

    A variety of guests shared their insights on the momentous Deep Impact mission and the results of the probe's collision with Comet Tempel 1 which occurred the night before.More »
  • Teleportation: Coming Soon

    Science author David Darling presented an update on the remarkable evolution of teleportation. The process of beaming matter from one location to another, he said, has moved from the realms of science fiction into reality, with the first serious experiments begun in the 1990s....More »
  • The Velikovsky Debate

    Physicist James McCanney and NASA astrobiologist Dr. David Morrison debated the merits of Immanuel Velikovsky's theories of a chaotic universe, which detail how the planet Venus passed by Earth before it came to its current position.More »
  • Weather, Tsunamis & Atlantis

    Just back from his trip to the South Pacific, physicist James McCanney discussed his observations related to weather, geology and tsunamis as well addressing the sun, Velikovsky and Atlantis.Though he believes it's possible charges or explosives could be placed in the ocean bed...More »
  • Did We Go to the Moon?

    British publisher for Nexus Magazine, Marcus Allen, presented his analysis of the Apollo moon landing, which he believes may have been faked. The reason for such a hoax was "basically for propaganda," so that America could demonstrate its "technological superiority over the...More »
  • Comets & Electrical Energy

    Physicist James McCanney discussed electrical energy in the solar system, comets, and a newly discovered Kuiper Belt object called Quaoar. McCanney said "the solar system, from about 1995, has been increasing in electrical energy," specifically noting that the sun puts out...More »
  • Hurricane Ivan

    Hurricane Ivan and related weather phenomena were the focus of this show which featured physicist James McCanney as the main guest, and Prof. William Gray of the Tropical Meteorology Project in the first hour. "It's going to do tremendous damage," Gray said of Ivan which was...More »
  • Things That Go Bump in the Night

    During Friday night's Open Lines callers shared their favorite sci-fi TV shows with George and recounted their own sci-fi/horror stories. Seamus called and reported that he had once filled in for Morgus in a parade in New Orleans. He also told George that he had recently seen...More »
  • Space Viruses & Comets

    Physicist James McCanney returned to the program to discuss meteors, comets and viruses from space. He noted that around 1100 AD the Chinese began relating flu epidemics with inferior conjunctions of Venus (when the planet passes between the Earth and the Sun). Viruses are not...More »
  • Bible Prophecy

    Ken Parsons, known for his End of the Age teachings, shared his interpretations of Bible prophecy. The Bible, he said, is a "document which operates in several different dimensions," one of them being the Bible Code, which contains hidden sequenced messages.More »
  • Meeting with Lucia?

    Returning to the show, precognitive David Booth was joined by author Wayne Green to ostensibly discuss his recent meeting with Lucia, witness to the Miracles of Fatima in 1917. Booth had been invited to meet with Sister Lucia, presumably because of the apocalyptic visions he had...More »
  • Fortean Zoology

    Jonathan Downes and Richard Freeman of The Centre for Fortean Zoology, discussed various cryptozoological creatures such as the Chupacabra, and the Loch Ness Monster.More »
  • Space Programs

    Professor James McCanney discussed the U.S. space program along with the efforts and progress of foreign space programs. For more details visit this page.More »
  • The Search for Atlantis

    Dr. Gregory Little of the Edgar Cayce organization A.R.E., discussed a startling find he made off the coast of Andros Island. This massive underground structure, which Little photographed, could have been part of the legendary Atlantis that Cayce had given readings about. About...More »
  • Comets & Solar Flares

    Much of the current solar activity "is caused by comets approaching the sun," said maverick physicist James McCanney who was the guest for the first half of Friday's show. He believes that an entourage of minor planet-sized objects have been bombarding the sun, and as evidence...More »
  • Extreme Weather

    Art Bell kicked off his new weekend stint with maverick physicist James McCanney, who discussed extreme weather, redirecting the path of hurricanes, and the crash of the Galileo space craft into Jupiter.More »
  • Paul McCartney: Dead or Alive?

    R. Gary Patterson discussed what he considers to be an "urban legend," the oft repeated story that Paul McCartney died back in 1966 in a car accident.More »
  • Visions and Warnings

    Author Kathleen Keating, the main guest on Thursday night, said a group of visionaries she has contact with, have indicated we are entering into a new time of tribulation. Keating believes such things as severe weather and earthquakes are God's way of "letting us destroy...More »
  • Tesla & Atlantis

    Physicist James McCanney talked about his new book Atlantis to Tesla. He believes Tesla had access to the mysterious Kolbrin Bible while growing up, and this may have impacted his later ideas. This bible, McCanney said, describes massive devastation to the Earth caused by...More »
  • Friday the 13th Open Lines

    Not only was this past Friday night, the 13th day of the month, but it was also nearly a full moon. Accordingly, callers were all over the map with tales of both aliens and ghosts in high schools, 4-ft. dogs, transparent wolves, and a woman having a near death experience as she...More »
  • Planet X Theories

    Theoretical physicist James McCanney appeared in the first half of Friday night's show to discuss his ideas about Planet X. While he doesn't subscribe to the notion that a rogue planet is headed this way in the next several weeks, he does believe there is evidence that extra...More »
  • Comets & Planets

    James Mc Canney, a researcher of Celestial Mechanics and Plasma Physics, was Monday night's guest. Comets are not dirty snowballs but "electrical vacuum cleaners that are drawing in material, and the big ones can retain material with their gravitational field and become bigger...More »

Last Night

Building a Better Brain / Animal Reincarnation
Building a Better Brain / Animal Reincarnation
Neuroscientist Kristen Willeumeyer shared how we can build and maintain cognitive health throughout our lifetimes. Followed by Amelia Kinkade, who shared stories of reincarnated animals coming back to the humans they love.


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