Desiree Hurtak

Desiree Hurtak


Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. is a social scientist, author and director/co-founder of The Academy For Future Science, an international organization. The wife of J.J. Hurtak, she has co-written with him numerous books including the text and commentaries on the Coptic texts The Pistis Sophia and The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene). Her recent work involves environmental studies and the film documentation of indigenous cultures to preserve their cultural heritage. To this end, she has also studied and written on the philosophies and literature of various ancient cultures including Egypt and Mesoamerica to understand their importance in our evolving society, producing graphic animation films such as and 'The Light Body' and 'Initiation.'




Past Shows:

  • Healing Sound / Signs & Synchronicities

    J. J. Hurtak, Ph.D., and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS. Sc. discussed their latest work on sound and its connection to consciousness and healing. Followed by author Liliane Fortna on signs and synchronicities.More »
  • Giza Pyramid Power Station / Alternate Realities and Past Lives

    J.J. Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak shared their theories on a Giza power system. Followed by Peter Smith on past lives and alternate realities.More »
  • Shroud of Turin

    George Knapp was joined by J.J. Hurtak and his wife Desiree, multi-faceted scholars & researchers, for a discussion and analysis of recent discoveries about the Shroud of Turin, a sacred relic thought by some to be the burial cloth of Jesus. Appearing during the first hour...More »
  • UFOs, Sound & Egypt

    Futurist, social scientist and UFO researcher Dr. J. J. Hurtak summarized recent UFO events and discussed such topics as the abduction syndrome, Egyptology, and the protective uses of sound. His wife Desiree Hurtak, an expert in ancient texts, joined in during the latter half of...More »
  • Expanding Consciousness

    Founder of the Academy for Future Science, Dr. J.J. Hurtak, and his wife Desiree, discussed his paraphysical text, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, the coming shift in human consciousness, and communication with other intelligences.More »
  • Anomalous Anthropology

    Founder of the Academy for Future Science, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife Desiree, joined guest host Barbara Simpson in a discussion about their worldwide research into pyramids and anomalous anthropology. Visiting pyramids in such places as Peru, Japan, China and Egypt, they were...More »
  • Analysis of Pistis Sophia

    Founder of the Academy of Future Science, J.J. Hurtak, and his wife Desiree, discussed their recent book Pistis Sophia: Text and Commentary, which presents a 2,000 year old Gnostic manuscript and offers analysis. It's noteworthy that Mary Magdalene is shown to have a...More »

Last Night

Building a Better Brain / Animal Reincarnation
Building a Better Brain / Animal Reincarnation
Neuroscientist Kristen Willeumeyer shared how we can build and maintain cognitive health throughout our lifetimes. Followed by Amelia Kinkade, who shared stories of reincarnated animals coming back to the humans they love.


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