EMP & Protecting the Grid / Possessions & Exorcism

Hosted byGeorge Noory

EMP & Protecting the Grid / Possessions & Exorcism

About the show

In the first half, Professor of History William Forstchen shared updates on the dangers of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) event and what we can do to prepare. Whether through a terrorist attack or damaging solar flare, an EMP could knock out the electric grid for years because legislation has still not been passed to protect and fortify the grid. According to the study conducted by former Congressional Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, if the grid goes down, the casualty rate would be shockingly high-- some 90% of all Americans would be dead, after one year without power.

George Noory announced that in the coming months, he will make it a priority to work with Forstchen on fighting for the passage of legislation to protect the grid. As an alternative to federal action, Forstchen said "we can also move from the bottom up. Bills are now going forward in a half-a-dozen states...I see that as a powerful movement," adding that Maine has become the first in the nation to protect its grid against EMP and geomagnetic disturbance. The country of Israel, because they are on the front line, has already developed grid protections, he noted. Forstchen estimated the cost of grid protection in the US as running several dollars per person, per year-- an amount he considers well worth spending to ensure the safety and way-of-life of the populace.


In the latter half, spiritual warrior Bill Bean recounted how his family was plagued by evil forces at the house he grew up in Glen Burnie, Maryland in the 1970s. His father became an abusive alcoholic after moving into the home, and Bean believes it was because he fell under a demonic influence after they moved in (see previous recaps from 4/3/09 and 5/7/10 for details on the dark and disturbing experiences there). Because of these early demonic encounters, Bean turned to God and eventually became a Deliverance Minister/Exorcist.

He finds each case he works on to have differences, yet a certain similarity because "demons have the same M.O."-- to wear people down and destroy them and "they hope they can get people to destroy others before they destroy themselves," he said. Bean spoke about several cases in which he served as an exorcist, including that of a possessed 135-lb. woman who showed signs of super-strength, as she began choking him with just one hand. It took nine police officers and an EMT to hold her down, he stated. Bean believes that in recent years there has been a tremendous increase in demonic activity, with instances of both oppression and possession.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Tom Grier

Bumper Music

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