RFK Assassination / Open Lines

Hosted byRichard Syrett

RFK Assassination / Open Lines

About the show

Criminologist John C. Brady joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss his cold case analysis of who killed Robert F. Kennedy. He explained that the primary defense for Sirhan Sirhan was the diminished capacity defense, a legal concept pioneered by Dr. Bernard Diamond. This defense argues that some individuals are less responsible for their actions due to psychological factors rather than being outright insane. Dr. Diamond believed that psychopaths, though dangerous, are not insane, and he applied this defense in several cases where individuals were adjudicated with dissociative personality disorders, leading to second-degree murder convictions instead of first-degree. The complexity of this defense, involving psychiatry, psychology, philosophy, and morality, made it difficult for the jury to understand, Brady suggested.

Despite not abandoning the defense, Sirhan's case involved ten doctors with varying diagnoses, from schizophrenia to paranoia, which complicated the defense further. Dr. Diamond's view of diminished capacity was not unanimously supported among the doctors, leading to conflicting opinions. This, combined with the widespread but often misused diagnosis of schizophrenia in the late 1960s, left the jury confused. Ultimately, they convicted Sirhan of first-degree murder, rejecting the nuanced diminished capacity defense and sentencing him to death, later commuted to life in prison, Brady revealed.

Dr. Diamond diagnosed Sirhan with a multiple personality disorder, now known as dissociative identity disorder, which he argued was caused by severe trauma experienced in Palestine during Sirhan's childhood. These traumatic events led Sirhan to develop a split personality, with one side being affable and law-abiding and the other malevolent and violent. This dissociation explained Sirhan's lack of memory regarding the assassination and his contradictory behavior. Dr. Diamond believed that Sirhan's dissociative state and his identification with his aggressors led him to unconsciously program himself to commit the assassination, a theory the jury found too complex and ultimately did not accept, Brady reported.


Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program. A caller named Eric described having vivid, unexplainable visions involving Senator John Glenn and NASA's John Young in a tense meeting with mysterious men in dark suits. These visions included a threatening exchange, pushing Senator Glenn to approve certain documents under duress. Afterward, Eric experienced unsettling incidents while driving, including memory blackouts and encounters with men resembling those in the vision. These men warned him to stop asking questions about a "cape." Despite consulting individuals in military intelligence and NASA, he received no explanations. Subsequent research into Men in Black phenomena revealed similar experiences reported by others, Eric said.

Bill, who was trucking through California, discussed the exoplanet K2-18b, highlighting the discovery of dimethyl sulfide, carbon dioxide, and possible water, suggesting potential signs of life. The planet is 2.6 times the size of Earth, orbits its star every 33 days, and lies in the habitable zone. This led Bill to ponder whether the extremely long lifespans of antediluvian biblical characters might be explained if they originated from another planet with different orbital characteristics, like K2-18b, Mars, or Jupiter, where a year is significantly longer than on Earth.

James in Virginia talked about a celestial event on September 23, 2017, aligning with the prophecy in Revelation 12 about the woman, the child, and the dragon. This alignment included the sun above the woman's shoulder, the moon at her feet, and Jupiter's nine-month presence in her lower body, symbolizing a birth. According to James, this specific configuration had not occurred exactly this way before and he noted the lack of discussion from religious leaders. He linked the event to the casting down a third of the angels, explaining it as the origin of demonic influences on Earth which he believes has contributed to current global turmoil and the urgency of end-times prophecy.

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