Stan Deyo

Stan Deyo


Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive "black project", headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of "flying saucer technology".




Past Shows:

  • Global Tensions & Tech / Cryptozoology Review

    Author and physicist Stan Deyo discussed pressing global issues and advancements in technology. Followed by renowned cryptozoologist Loren Coleman, who shared insights on various legendary creatures.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time traveled back to 7/24/96 when Stan Deyo discussed crop circles, saucers, and earth changes.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 4/10/99 when Stan Deyo talked about extreme weather and UFO tech.More »
  • Earth Changes & Prophecy/ Ancient Giants

    Stan Deyo discussed his work on earthquake prediction and EMP protection. Followed by Jason Jarrell on the ancient 'Tall Ones' in North America.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell Somewhere in Time returns to 4/10/99 when Stan Deyo spoke about extreme weather changes, UFO technology, his work with the FBI, and the truth about flying saucers.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/24/96 when Stan Deyo addressed such topic as crop circles, saucers, space, and an earthquake in the Caribbean.More »
  • Location of Atlantis/ Skulls, Giants, & Anomalies

    In the first half, research physicist and author Stan Deyo discussed his most recent work, a startling new theory on the location of Atlantis. In the latter half, author and researcher L.A. Marzulli and writer/producer Richard Shaw spoke about their latest 'Watchers'...More »
  • Thanksgiving Secret Door

    On a festive Thanksgiving evening, George Noory welcomed surprise guests coming in through the Secret Door. In separate one-hour segments, we heard from the well-known voice of esoteric ideas, Mitch Horowitz, research physicist and author Stan Deyo, paranormal researcher...More »
  • Earth & Eden / Meier Prophecies

    In the first half, research physicist and author Stan Deyo discussed his most recent work finding the exact location of the Garden of Eden, as well as his theories of Earth expansion, how the Earth became tilted on its axis, and revelations about the dinosaurs. In the...More »
  • Ancient Humans & Origins

    'Forbidden archeologist' Michael Cremo discussed evidence for humans in extreme antiquity, as well as his work on ancient giants, vimanas (ancient flying craft), and Vedic cycles. First hour guest, author Stan Deyo shared an update on the Yellowstone caldera-- the...More »
  • After Death Evidence

    Filmmaker and producer Paul Davids discussed his new documentary, The Life After Death Project, which chronicles possible after death communications that came from sci-fi luminary, Forrest J. Ackerman. Professor at the University of Arizona, Gary E. Schwartz joined the show in...More »
  • Superstorm / ETs & Mythology

    In the first half, 4 separate guests offered commentary on the superstorm Hurricane Sandy, researcher Nick Begich, author Whitley Strieber, physicist and author Stan Deyo, and prophecy expert John Hogue. In the latter half, naturopathic physician, and the founder of the...More »
  • Earth Changes

    Author and researcher, Steve Quayle, along with former FBI undercover agent, Stan Deyo, joined John B. Wells for four hours of discussion and dissection of current events, pending earth changes, the situation in Fukushima and hope for humanity.More »
  • Impending Earth Changes

    Authors Stan & Holly Deyo discussed possible cataclysmic Earth changes, and Hopi prophecy, which paints a bleak picture for the United States. First hour guest, author Howard Bloom talked about the anti-Wall St. protest in NYC.More »
  • Hurricane Irene Coverage

    Ian Punnett provided coverage of Hurricane Irene and spoke about the storm with several guests, including TV weatherman John Coleman, multi-disciplinary scientist Howard Bloom, Captain Kelly Sweeney, research physicist Stan Deyo, and astrologer Mark Lerner. The final half of the...More »
  • Oil Spills, Solar Cycles, & UFOs

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared updates on the BP Oil spill, the world's first macro-sized quantum computer, solar max cycles, and the 2008 sighting of a mysterious aerial craft in Levittown, Pennsylvania. First hour guest, Stan Deyo presented an update on...More »
  • Japan Quake/Tsunami

    Coverage of the breaking story of the huge 8.9 quake that struck northeastern Japan included guests Mitch Battros, Stan Deyo, and Stuart Wilde. In the first 90 minutes, independent researcher Lucy Wyatt discussed her journey discovering the origins of civilizations and...More »
  • Planet X, Solar Flares, & Energy

    In the first half of the show, physicist and author Stan Deyo shared updates on Planet X, the current pole shift, and extreme weather, as well as discussed 'End Times' and the Antichrist. The jet and gulf streams are broken and we're looking at a mini-Ice Age, such as what...More »
  • Earth Changes & New Science

    Physicist and author Stan Deyo discussed such topics as earthquake swarms, Planet X, solar flares, UFO technology, and biblical prophecy. First hour guest, John Austin talked about zombies, and his handbook for the 'undead,' which features illustrations and diagrams.More »
  • Earth Changes, Prophecy, & Preparedness

    Authors Stan Deyo and his wife Holly Drennan Deyo discussed earth changes, prophecy, social unrest, and what we can do to prepare for the coming upheaval. Organizer Michael P. Farris provides info about an International Treaty Law that could intrude on parents' rights to raise...More »
  • Stargates, Earth Changes, & Anomalies

    In this special 'trilogy' show, three guests appeared for an hour each.In the second hour, investigative mythologist William Henry spoke about stargates and transformation. Wormholes underpin all reality, but our physical bodies may not be able to access them, he suggested.For...More »
  • NV Quake Grid, 2012 & Strange People

    During the first hour, author and research physicist Stan Deyo talked about his discovery of an unmistakable grid pattern (pictured) formed by the recent Nevada earthquakes. Deyo said he does not think this was a naturally occurring event, and even suggested the quakes may have...More »
  • Earth Changes Special

    A group of experts discussed earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and climate change, and shared their predictions as to what we might expect in 2008 and beyond. First,geologist Jim Berkland and author/earthquake 'sensitive' Cal Orey spoke about quakes and weather cycles. Berkland...More »
  • Earth Changes & Craft Propulsion

    Research physicist and author Stan Deyo discussed earth changes and climate concerns, as well as new developments in aerospace propulsion for the flying saucer he is building.More »
  • UFO Encounters

    Authority on the alien presence, Timothy Good, discussed cases from his newest book Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence, which covers incidents from the 1930s to the present.More »
  • Climate & Extinction

    Investigator for the NASA Astrobiology Institute, Prof. Peter Ward discussed his new book, Out of Thin Air, which shows how fluctuating oxygen levels have contributed to mass extinctions and evolutionary changes over millions of years.More »
  • Ancient Human Origins

    Author and researcher Michael Cremo discussed the evidence for "extreme human antiquity."More »
  • Web Bot Forecasting

    Filling in for vacationing George Noory, Steve Quayle welcomed George Ure who discussed web bots, a technology he and his associates use to forecast major world events.More »
  • Aliens, Stargates & Prophecy

    Esoteric researcher & author Tom Horn discussed such topics as alien-human hybrids, stargates & multi-dimensional portals and Biblical prophecy.More »
  • Preparing for Disasters

    Preparedness experts and authors, Stan Deyo and his wife Holly Drennan Deyo, spoke about how to anticipate and survive various disasters, both natural and man-made. The next 5-6 years could give us some real grief in terms of global warming and natural disasters, as the sun is...More »
  • Skepticism & Science

    The publisher of Skeptic Magazine, Dr. Michael Shermer, discussed science and pseudo-science as well as the paranormal, good & evil, and the intelligent design debate.Being a skeptic, he explained, means engaging in a thoughtful inquiry, and insisting that phenomena be...More »
  • Earth Changes Roundtable

    Geologist Jim Berkland, preparedness expert Stan Deyo, and physicist James McCanney joined together for a roundtable discussion on current and upcoming earth changes. The panelists concurred that there is a correlation between solar activity and earthquakes, weather and other...More »
  • Brain Activation

    Brain researcher Neil Slade shared his insights on a variety of brain-related topics and offered ways to activate specific parts of the brain, the amygdala and frontal lobes, with newly discovered methods that turn-on creativity, intelligence, pleasure, and ESP.More »
  • Vulcan & Earth Catastrophes

    Dr. Barry Warmkessel contends that our Sun has a dark-star companion which he referred to as 'Vulcan.' He characterized the hypothetical body as a brown dwarf only half the size of Jupiter and estimated its distance from Earth at 41 billion miles. While other theorists have...More »
  • Maitreya & the Masters

    Benjamin Creme, the official spokesperson for the "world teacher" Maitreya, appeared during the middle two hours of the program. Maitreya, he said, can make himself visible in any form, using "familiars" who become vehicles for his consciousness.More »
  • Round Table II: Secret Societies

    In a special 4-hour program, Stan Deyo, Jon Rappoport and Michael Ruppert joined together for a round table conversation on Secret Societies and One World Government. Interwoven into the discussion were such topics as 9-11 conspiracies, depopulation agendas, Peak Oil and energy...More »
  • The Lost Ark & Gold Powder

    Author and historian Laurence Gardner returned to Coast on Tuesday night, for a follow-up discussion of his book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, which has been optioned to serve as the basis for a Hollywood film by Living Element Pictures. Gardner said he was pleased with the...More »
  • Remote Viewing Forecast

    "Remote Viewing is mind control," a kind of systematic ESP, where you're able to control your own mind, Major Ed Dames told Art Bell when he returned to Coast this Thursday night. First off, Dames was asked about a prediction he made in his last appearance on the show back in...More »
  • Disaster Preparedness

    Stan Deyo and his wife Holly were Barbara's guests this past Sunday night. Stan Deyo has held an above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked on exclusive "black projects." Holly Deyo is the author of Dare to Prepare. In light of our heightened state of alert, the Deyos...More »
  • Stan Deyo

    Stan Deyo at age 57 has held an above Top Secret Security Clearance and has worked undercover for the FBI. He has been a member of an exclusive 'black project' (headed by Dr Edward Teller), which specialized in the development of 'flying saucer technology'.More »
  • Stan Deyo

    Stan Deyo at age 57 has held an above Top Secret Security Clearance and has worked undercover for the FBI. He has been a member of an exclusive 'black project' (headed by Dr Edward Teller), which specialized in the development of 'flying saucer technology'.More »

Last Night

Building a Better Brain / Animal Reincarnation
Building a Better Brain / Animal Reincarnation
Neuroscientist Kristen Willeumeyer shared how we can build and maintain cognitive health throughout our lifetimes. Followed by Amelia Kinkade, who shared stories of reincarnated animals coming back to the humans they love.


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