Classic Shows

Angels in Our Lives
Angels in Our Lives
In the first half of the show, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, a leading expert in the metaphysical and paranormal fields, celebrated Christmas Eve with George as they discussed angels, their origins, and how we communicate with them. Open Lines followed in the second half. Stacey...
2014 in Review: UFOs & Conspiracies
2014 in Review: UFOs & Conspiracies
George Knapp reviewed some of the past year's weirdest and most significant news from the world of UFO and conspiracy research with Lee Speigel from the Huffington Post in the first hour, Mark Allin with Above Top Secret in the second hour, and Alejandro Rojas from Open Minds TV...
YU55, ETs, & Roswell
YU55, ETs, & Roswell
Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed anomalies found on asteroid YU55, as well as recent sightings of strange aerial objects in Canada. She also shared witness testimonies regarding non-human entities seen in a hanger at Walker Field in 1947, and the close...
ET Encounter
ET Encounter
Ufologists Ruben Uriarte and Noe Torres discussed one of the world's most intriguing and least known UFO cases. The incident took place in 1964, when eyewitness Donald Shrum had a terrifying 12-hour encounter in the Tahoe National Forest with menacing robot-like and humanoid...
Evidence for Bigfoot
Evidence for Bigfoot
Scientist, author and expert in human locomotor adaptations, Jeffrey Meldrum discussed evidence for an actual biological species behind the legend of Bigfoot.
Weather Wars, Prophecy, & Giants
Weather Wars, Prophecy, & Giants
Author and researcher Steve Quayle discussed his recent work on climate change and weather manipulation, and also touched on his interests in biblical prophecy, giants, and the mysterious deaths of microbiologists.
JFK Special XIII
JFK Special XIII
Joining host Dave Schrader (email) in the first half of our 13th annual JFK Assassination Special, veteran investigative reporter, Philip Shenon, spoke to the questions that have haunted our nation for half a century: Was the President killed by a single gunman? In the latter...
More Mysterious Disappearances
More Mysterious Disappearances
With undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of San Francisco, David Paulides has worked in law enforcement in the San Francisco Bay Area - on everything from street crimes, SWAT, and vice, to a variety of assignments in the detective division. He has become an...
The Nazi Diaspora
The Nazi Diaspora
Guest host Jimmy Church was joined by author Peter Levenda for a discussion on the Nazi diaspora which occurred following WWII and how it connects to the modern challenge of global terrorism. First hour guest, forensic geologist Scott Wolter talked about his History Channel show...
UFOs: Mysteries & Theories
UFOs: Mysteries & Theories
Tom DeLonge, member of Blink-182, joined George Knapp to discuss his interest in ufology, his recent trip to Area 51, and how he's using his celebrity status to bring awareness to oddities and mysterious stories from around the world. First hour guest, ufologist Robert...
Twin Encounters
Twin Encounters
Twins Earlene Carr and Shurlene Wallace shared their alien contact experiences which began in Dallas in 1995. While Earlene focused on UFO research and support, Shurlene began having numerous direct encounters. "I woke up in a UFO," said Shurlene, of her first experience. She...
DMT Research
DMT Research
Guest Host Hilly Rose talked with Dr. Rick Strassman about his research into the psychedelic substance dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Strassman said DMT was discovered in hallucinogenic snuffs from the Amazon, and is related to the chemical melatonin. Strassman spent five years...
Anomalous Anthropology
Anomalous Anthropology
Founder of the Academy for Future Science, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife Desiree, joined guest host Barbara Simpson in a discussion about their worldwide research into pyramids and anomalous anthropology. Visiting pyramids in such places as Peru, Japan, China and Egypt, they were...
UFOs, Aliens & Underground Bases
UFOs, Aliens & Underground Bases
Leading authority on UFOs, Timothy Good shared his research on pilot sightings, alien encounters and underground bases. One such account he presented was that of a 1993 case in which an Italian named Filiberto Caponi allegedly took 6 Polaroid pictures of a possibly alien being...
Strange Ice Circles & Aerial Craft
Strange Ice Circles & Aerial Craft
The guest for the first half of Friday's program, investigator Linda Moulton Howe of, presented two reports. The first dealt with a mysterious ice circle that was found in Horton, Michigan this past December.
ET Transmissions
ET Transmissions
Paranormal expert, Richard Lawrence spoke extensively about the founder of The Aetherius Society, the late George King, whom he was acquainted with for many years. King was known for his deep trance states where he would transmit messages from benevolent entities who occupied...
Paranormal Investigation Special
Paranormal Investigation Special
In individual half-hour segments, top paranormal investigators from across the US, shared insights about their common task of investigating ghosts, demons, and paranormal disturbances. In order of appearance: Brian Johnson, Eric Haney, Rev. Clarissa Vazquez, Greg Myers, Dale...
Ouija Board & Zozo Phenomena
Ouija Board & Zozo Phenomena
Ouija Board historian Robert Murch and Zozologist Darren Evans joined Dave Schrader (email) for the entire program to discuss the history of the Ouija Board, Zozo phenomena, and strange cases where crimes have been committed as a result of using the Ouija.